
The New President Of France ...

Moon of Alabama: The new President Of France ...

... and some youngster receiving her advice.

Posted by b on May 8, 2017 at 01:11 AM | Permalink

France has just been literally taken over by the banking mafia
In his recent documentary HyperNormalisation, the British film-maker, Adam Curtis, describes how the banksters had literally taken over the administration of New York, back in 1975. Approximately forty years later, the banksters officially conquer an entire nation. One of the most significant countries in the West, France, has been taken over by the banking mafia through its most favorite puppet, Emmanuel Macron.

Forget about Macron's political cliches after his victory in the second round of the French presidential election against Marine Le Pen. Macron is one of the numerous agents produced by the factories of the neoliberal establishment according to its modern standards. A cold financial technocrat without vision. A high-bonus receiver, paid by the plutocracy to do the job and leave. And his job, briefly, is to wipe out what's left from the middle class in order to establish the new Feudalism.

As the sociologist, Alain Accardo, describes: “It's naive to think that if Macron hadn't been there and then, the establishment would have been pushed aside and lost power. There are hundreds of potential candidates like Macron, formed in our schools and political organisations, ready to take over if necessary – each with a slightly different flavour.” So, in the end, there is nothing "unique" and, substantially, nothing "new" about Macron, like the media wanted to make us believe.

As described previously, Macron is certainly the first priority of the establishment. Not only he comes straight from the banking industry which lies on the top of the pyramid of the financial elites. He is also the new model promoted by the neoliberal regime. A young technocrat without a political party. A post-modern apolitical figure totally compatible to the younger generations who were born and raised according to the completely apolitical culture, built by the regime, especially the last four decades. If the global neoliberal regime is the Matrix that we live in, Macron is definitely an upgraded version of Agent Smith. So, that's the only "new" about Macron.

But the Far-RIght played also its role in these elections. The reserve of the establishment, Marine Le Pen, became the useful terrifying figure in order to scare the moderate voters and push them to vote for Macron. It didn't work in the US, but it worked in France.

However, even if Marine Le Pen had won in the final round, the establishment would force her to follow the status quo agenda of the plutocracy, exactly as happened with Donald Trump in the United States.

Therefore, it's not difficult to predict what the Rothschild banker, Macron, will do. He will use the Greek experiment, which is about to end, as a model for implementation in his own country and throughout the eurozone. Which is why the Brussels-Berlin axis celebrates right now.

globinfo freexchange

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